The Loki Episode 2 Ends With The Start . Loki's Motive to Control Time .


The loki Episode 2 ends with an amazing start . In episode 2 loki goes with the female loki which is actually its multiverse form . The multi verse loki destroy all the time line and the line of the time gets affected and the multi verse loki uses all the reset device which she robbed from TVA by killing the TVA agents . 

Actually the main motive of both the loki is too meet the Time Protector ( Samay Rakshak ) and manipulate them so , that they will get all the powers of time and infact TVA is the Most powerful authority in the Universe . In the start of episode 2 loki knows about Ragnarok and explain this to the TVA agents with the help of salt & peper . 
In episode 1 the main thing which we saw is that the TVA agents uses Infinity stones as paper weights . So the main question arises here is that why the TVA agents didn't come when Thanos uses them to destroy half of the whole universe and stopped him . After all they are very much stronger than thanos and its army . And in the last of episode 2 the TVA agent decide to catch loki . And rest will be know in next episode .. 
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