How Mi Transparent Tv Works


Friends We All are very curious To Know About the future , so friends here is the MI Lux transparent TV this is the first TV which is completely transparent and it is commercially available . However Samsung and LG have showcase the concept design . 
but finally xiaomi has launched the commercially available MI LuX transparent TV . friends this Tv  is currently available only in China but there are a little bit chances that the TV might come in India . 
Now I will explain how this MI Lux TV works . 

Friends we all know about our tvs and monitors which we are currently using but in our TV and monitor there is a backlight over the display because of which we are able to see the image on the screen . but as we talked about the MI LUX TV in this TV there is no backlight at the back which make it the complete transparent TV . so whenever we are using a transparent TV it must have a high capacity of brightness because . High brightness leads to the best visual experience of the screen . the concept of transparent TV is not like rockets science and it is so easy just there is no backlight present at the back and it have a good level of brightness that's why does the company transfer and TV . So friends this is how the MI transparent Lux TV works . 

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